李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 彭彥筑, 吳柏毅, 2023, "深度學習訓練集資料之汙染清除系統及其方法" (中華民國,發明,證書號碼I802824)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 謝承恩, 林惟敏, 2023, "網路惡意流量分析之平衡式資料集生成與處理系統及其方法" (中華民國,發明,證書號碼I795153)
J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu, C.-K. Liu, P.-Y. Wu, Y.-C. Peng, 2022, “Deepfake Video Detection System and Method” (United States Patent, US 11,514,715 B2)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 吳謹瑞, 賴佳俊, 吳其哲, 2022, “網路通訊方法及網路通訊系統中華民國”中華民國專利,發明專利證書(I784280)
J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu, K.-H. Chang, K.-C. Lu, 2022, “Wireless Network-Based Voice Communication Security Protection Method” (United States Patent, US 11,388,134 B2)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 賴佳俊, 吳謹瑞, 吳其哲, “具模擬設備通訊特徵的傳輸系統及方法”,中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I771068)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 吳柏毅, 彭彥筑, “深度偽造影片檢測系統及其方法”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I744057)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 孫孟瑋, 陸冠竹, “具有高互動組合工控誘捕系統及其方法”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I703467)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 張耿豪, 陸冠竹, “基於無線網路的語音通訊安全防護方法”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I696362)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 陳佳秀, 蔡金瑞, “雲端環境下針對圖像檔案的授權及搜尋方法”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I665580)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 陳佳秀, 蔡金瑞, “防止密碼檔案外洩偵測方法及系統”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I656454)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 李詔遠, 林禹妡, 蔡金瑞, “具加密檔案關鍵字模糊搜尋功能的雲端伺服器系統”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I638271)
李忠憲 , 劉奕賢, 謝哲人, 高傳凱, 郭奕岑, “網路相簿的運作方法”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I573452)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 盧建同, 張家瑋, 王天利, 林駿凱, “多重傳輸通道的重疊網路串流方法及其系統”, 中華民國專利, 發明專利證書(I528843)
李忠憲 , 劉奕賢, 盧建同, 張家瑋, 楊竹星, 蔡邦維, “分散式多重傳輸協定之跨層日誌搜集系統與方法(DISTRIBUTED MULTIPLE PROTOCOL CROSS-LAYER LOG COLLECTION SYSTEM AND METHOD)”, 中華民國發明專利證書(I514174)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 謝哲人, 高傳凱, 郭奕岑, “特徵嵌入方法(SIGNATURE EMBEDDING METHOD)”, 中華民國發明專利證書(I501633)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 盧建同, 張家瑋, “基於跨層日誌記錄的資料軌跡追蹤系統與方法 (BASE ON CROSS-LAYER LOG DATA TRACE SYSTEM AND METHOD)”, 中華民國發明專利證書(I484331)
李忠憲, 林敬皇, 劉奕賢, 馬健原, 陳柏霖, 安家駒, “惡意程式破壞系統及其破壞方法 (MALICIOUS SCRIPTS SUPPRESSION SYSTEM AND SUPPRESSION METHOD THEREOF)”, 中華民國發明專利證書(I461955)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 謝哲人, 高傳凱, “車用隨意網路系統 (VANET SYSTEM)”, 中華民國發明專利證書(I454164)
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 謝哲人, 高傳凱, “車用隨意網路系統(VANET SYSTEM)” 中華民國發明專利證書(I419596)
李忠憲, 謝哲人, 翁吉田, “影像數位標籤嵌入方法、即時鑑識方法及其鑑識系統” 中華民國發明專利證書(I423068)
李忠憲, 謝哲人, 曾昭展, “語音閘道架構及其通訊方法”, 中華民國發明專利證書(I408923)
李忠憲, 謝哲人, 洪丞甫, 趙志宏, “具有數位修正的多媒體版權管理機制 (Digital Right Management with Fingerprint Correction)”, 中華民國發明專利(I354451)
(I) 期刊論文
K.-C. Lu, I-H. Liu, K.-H. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2023, “VoWi-Fi Security Threats: ARP Attack and Countermeasures” accepted for publication in IET Networks, https://doi.org/10.1049/ntw2.12113 (Early View). (SCI, EI)
I-H. Liu, M.-H. Lee, H.-C. Huang, J.-S. Li, 2023, “5G-Based Smart Healthcare and Mobile Network Security: Combating Fake Base Station”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 20, pp. 11565-11575. (SCI, EI)
M.-W. Chang, J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu*, 2023, “Cyber-Physical Security Testbed for Dam Control System”, Journal of Advances in Artificial Life Robotics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 106-109.
I-H. Liu, M.-W. Huang, H.-Y. Lai, M.-H. Lee, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Securing the Critical Communication in Dam Control System with SDN”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 179-183. (ESCI)
I-H. Liu, M.-H. Lee, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Securing 5G Non-Public Networks Against Fake Base Station”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 156-159. (ESCI)
I-H. Liu, C.-H. Wu, J.-S. Li, C.-F. Li, 2023, “Utilizing Blockchain to Monitor the Functioning of Devices in Industrial Control Systems”, Journal of Advances in Artificial Life Robotics, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 205-208.
I-H. Liu, C.-E. Hsieh, W.-M. Lin, J.-S. Li, C.-F. Li, 2022, "Data-Balancing Algorithm Based on Generative Adversarial Network for Robust Network Intrusion Detection", Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 303-308. (ESCI)
I-H. Liu, Y.-C. Tsai, C.-F. Li, J.-S. Li, 2022, "Cross-organizational Non-repudiation Industrial Control Log System Based on Blockchain", Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 240-244. (ESCI)
I-H. Liu, C.-K. Liu, L.-Y. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2022, "OPC UA TSN Industrial Control System Cybersecurity Testbed", Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 229-232. (ESCI)
I-H. Liu, J.-H. Lin, H.-Y. Lai, J.-S. Li, 2022, "Scalable ICS Honeypot Design by Description Files", Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 216-220. (ESCI)
I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, Y.-C. Peng, C.-G. Liu, 2022, “A Robust Countermeasures for Poisoning Attacks on Deep Neural Networks of Computer Interaction systems”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 15, pp. 7753-7770. (SCI, EI)
I-H. Liu, Y.-Y. Chen, C.-G. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2022, “Cyberattack Defense with Appropriate Address-changing Frequency in Industrial Control Systems”, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 2567-2579. (SCI, EI)
I-H. Liu, C.-C. Lai, J.-S. Li, C.-C. Wu, C.-F. Li, C.-G. Liu, 2021, “An Emulation Mechanism for PLC Communication Features”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 175–179.
T.-L. Lee, I-H. Liu, C.-F. Li, and J.-S. Li, 2021, “Threats Hidden in Office Network: Mechanism of Credential Harvesting for Lateral Movement”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 193–196.
J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, C.-J. Wu, C.-C. Wu, C.-W. Huang, C.-F. Li, and I-H. Liu, 2021, “Design of Industrial Control System Secure Communication Using Moving Target Defense with Legacy Infrastructure”, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 3415–3424.
I-H. Liu, C.-C. Lai, J.-S. Li, C.-C. Wu, C.-F. Li, and C.-G. Liu, 2021, “An Emulation Mechanism for PLC Communication Features”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 175–179.
I-H. Liu, K.-M. Su, and J.-S. Li*, 2021, “The Security Issue of ICS: The Use of IT Infrastructure”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 29–32.
劉大哲, 劉奕賢, 蔡一郎, 李竹芬, 李忠憲, 2020, “使用深度學習技術進行惡意程式分類”, 航空技術學院學報, Vol. 19, pp. 22–26.
I-H. Liu, C.-H. Lo, T.-C. Liu, J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, and C.-F. Li, 2020, “IDS Malicious Flow Classification”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 103–106.
J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu, C.-Y. Lee, C.-F. Li, and C.-G. Liu, 2020, “A Novel Data Deduplication Scheme for Encrypted Cloud Databases”, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 1115–1125.
J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu, C.-J. Tsai, Z.-Y. Su, C.-F. Li, and C.-G. Liu, 2020, “Secure Content-Based Image Retrieval in the Cloud With Key Confidentiality”, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 114940–114952.
K.-C. Lu, I-H. Liu, J.-W. Liao, S.-C. Wu, Z.-C. Liu, J.-S. Li, and C.-F. Li, 2019, “Evaluation and Build to honeypot System about SCADA Security for Large-Scale IoT Devices”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 157–161.
C.-G. Liu, I-H. Liu, C.-D. Lin, and J.-S. Li, 2019, “A novel tag searching protocol with time efficiency and searching accuracy in RFID systems”, Computer Networks, Vol. 150, pp. 201–216.
Y.-R. Chen, I-H. Liu, K.-H. Chang, C.-G. Liu, and J.-S. Li, 2019, “Selection Strategy for VM Migration Method”, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 66–70.
C.-H.Chou, C.-C.Wu, K.-C. Lu, I-H. Liu, T.-H. Chang, C.-F.Li, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Modbus Packet Analysis and Attack Mode for SCADA System”, Journal of ICT, Design, Engineering and Technological Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 30–35.
J.-S. Li, C.-K. Kao, C.-Y. Tsai, I-H. Liu, and C.-G. Liu, 2017, “Low-cost localization service for roadside sensors based on passive information”, Journal of High Speed Networks, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 323–339.
C.-B. Ji and J.-S. Li, 2017, “Exploring Global IP-Usage Patterns in Fast-Flux Service Networks”, Journal of Computers, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 371–380.
Y.-R. Ch and J.-S. Li, 2017, “Staggered approach for alleviating TCP Incast in simultaneous Multi-VM migration”, Computer Communications, Vol. 106, pp. 24–32.
S.-C. Tsai, I-H. Liu, C.-T. Lu, C.-H. Chang, and J.-S. Li, 2016, “Defending Cloud Computing Environment Against the Challenge of DDoS Attacks Based on Software Defined Network”, Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 63, pp. 285–292.
S.-C. Tsai, Y.-M. Hu, C.-H. Chai, and J.-S. Li, 2016, “Efficient Tag Reading Protocol for Large-Scale RFID Systems with Pre-reading”, Computer Communications, Vol. 88, pp. 73–83.
C.-B. Jiang, I-H. Liu, Y.-N. Chung, and J.-S. Li, 2016, “Novel intrusion prediction mechanism based on honeypot log similarity”, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 156–175.
Y.-M. Hu, I.-C. Chang, and J.-S. Li, 2015, “Hybrid Blocking Algorithm for Identification of Overlapping Staying Tags between Multiple Neighboring Readers in RFID Systems”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 4076–4085.
C.-G. Liu, I-H. Liu, W.-S. Yao, and J.-S. Li, 2015, “K-anonymity against Neighborhood Attacks in Weighted Social Networks”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 8, No. 18, pp. 3864–3882.
C.-T. Lu, C.-W. Chang, and J.-S. Li, 2015, “VM Scaling based on Hurst Exponent and Markov Transition with Empirical Cloud Data”, Journal of Systems and Softwar, Vol. 99, pp. 199–207.
C.-B. Jiang and J.-S. Li, 2015, “Ontology-based Botnet Topology Discovery Approach with IP Flow Data”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 309–326.
Y.-S. Su, S.-L. Su, and J.-S. Li, 2014, “Joint topology-transparent scheduling and QoS routing”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 372–389.
C.-H. Lin, C.-T. Lu, Y.-H. Chen, and J.-S. Li, 2014, “Resource allocation in cloud virtual machines based on empirical service traces”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 4210–4225.
C.-J. Hsieh, C.-T. Weng, and J.-S. Li, 2014, “JPEG Forensics Scheme for Signature Embedding and Packet-Level Detection”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 3368–3382.
C.-T. Lu, C.-L. Chang, I-H. Liu, and J.-S. Li, 2014, “Novel Advanced Broadcast Scheme for Efficient Safety Message Collision Alleviation in Vehicular Networks”, Journal of Wireless Person Communication, Vol. 77, No. 4, pp. 2793–2816.
I-H. Liu, C.-G. Liu, C.-T. Lu, Y.-T. Kuo, and J.-S. Li, 2014, “A MultI-hop Resource Scheduling Algorithm for IEEE 802.16j Relay Networks”, Computer Networks, Vol. 67, pp. 164–179.
李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 江啟賓, 姚文盛, 陳怡臻, 李昱宏, 李鋆洧, 2013, “適地型雲端社交網路隱私防護方法之研究”, Communications of CCISA, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 104–118.
J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu, C.-K. Kao, and C.-M. Tseng, 2013, “Intelligent Adjustment Forwarding: A Compromise between End-to-End and Hop-by-Hop Transmissions in VANET”, Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 1319–1333.
C.-G. Liu, I-H. Liu, T.-T. Yang, and J.-S. Li, 2013, “Navigation-Aware Association Control in Vehicular Wireless Networks”, Journal of High Speed Networks, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 311–324.
C.-H. Chao, C.-F. Yang, P.-T. Lin, and J.-S. Li, 2013, “Novel Distributed Key Revocation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Security and Networks, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 1271–1280.
J.-S. Li, C.-J. Hsieh, and W.-C. Liu, 2013, “Digital Evidence Collection for Web Image Access”, Security and Networks, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 765–776.
J.-S. Li, C.-J. Hsieh, and H.-Y. Lin, 2013, “A Hierarchical Mobile-Agent-based Security Operation Center”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp.1503–15191.
J.-S. Li, C.-J. Hsieh, and Y.-K. Wang, 2013, “Distributed Key Management Scheme for P2P Live Streaming Services”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 1259–1272.
J.-S. Li and K.-H. Liu, 2013, “A Lightweight Identity Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Networks”, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 425–438.
J.-S. Li and Y.-M. Hu, 2013, “An Efficient Time-Bound Collision Prevention Scheme for RFID Re-entering Tags”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1054–1064.
C.-G. Liu, C.-H. Chao, C.-W. Leou, and J.-S. Li, 2012, “Iterative Key Distribution Based on MAD Neighborhood in Underwater Mobile Sensor Networks”, The Computer Journal, Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 1467–1458.
C.-H. Lin, J.-Y. Ma, C.-S. Laih, and J.-S. Li, 2012, “MSS: Use File Format Conversion for Suppress Malicious Scripts in Multimedia”, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 13.No. 5, 2012, pp. 843–852.
J.-S. Li, K.-H. Liu, N. Chilamkurti, L. Shu, and T. Q. Duong, 2012, “Scheduling Performance Enhancement by Network Coding in Wireless Mesh Networks”, IET Communications, Vol. 6, No. 13, pp. 1912–1919.
J.-S. Li, K.-H. Liu, and C.-H. Wu, 2012, “Efficient group multicast node scheduling schemes in multI-hop wireless networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 1247–1258.
J.-S. Li and K.-H. Liu, 2012, “Network-coding-based Cache Policy for Loss Recovery Enhancement in Reliable Multicast”, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 330–345.
K.-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, C.-Y. Wang, N. Chilamkurti, and T. Vasilakos, 2012, “Minimizing MultI-player Interactive Delay in Multihop Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 1330–1349.
C.-B. Jiang and J.-S. Li, 2012, “IP Flow Data Correlation with Interference Rules”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 406, No. 1, pp. 1211–1214.
J.-S. Li, C.-K. Kao, I-H. Liu, and C.-M. Tseng, 2011, “Reliable Bundle Transmission in VANET with Node Failure”, American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, Vol. 11, No. 12, pp. 2652–2655.
J.-S. Li and C.-F. Yang, 2011, “Differentiated Recovery in WDM Networks”, Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 98–107.
C.-H. Chao, I.-H. Li, C.-Y. Yang, and J.-S. Li, 2011, “An Efficient Diversity-Driven Selective Forwarding Approach for Replicated Data Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Systems and Architecture, Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 830–839.
J.-S. Li, and K.-H. Liu, 2011, “A Hidden Mutual Authentication Protocol for Low-cost RFID Tags”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 1196–1211.
J.-S. Li, C.-J. Hsieh, C.-Y. Chang, and N. Chilamkurti, 2011, “Improved IPsec Performance Utilizing Transport-Layer-Aware Compression Architecture”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1063–1074.
J.-S. Li, C.-K. Kao, J.-J. Tzeng, 2011, “VoIP Secure Session Assistance and Call Monitoring via Building Security Gateway”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 837–851.
J.-S. Li, C.-J. Hsieh, C.-F. Hung, 2010, “A Novel DRM Framework for Peer-to-Peer Music Content Delivery”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 83, No. 10, pp. 1689–1700.
J.-S. Li, H.-C. Kao, and W.-H. Lin, 2010, “Achieving Maximal VoIP Calls in 802.11 Wireless Networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 1296–1303.
C.-J. Hsieh, J.-S. Li, and W.-C. Liu, 2010, “Network Forensic for Web JPEG Image Transmission”, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 689–699.
J.-S. Li, C.-F. Yang, and J.-H. Chen, 2010, “Star-block Design in Two-level Survivable Optical Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 526–539.
J.-S. Li and C.-H. Chao, 2010, “P2P Content Distribution based on Altruistic Demand and Recoding Dissemination”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 1083–1093.
J.-S. Li and C.-H. Chao, 2010, “An Efficient Super-Peer Overlay-Construction and Broadcasting Scheme Based on Perfect Difference Graph”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 594–606.
J.-S. Li and H.-C. Kao, 2009, “Distributed K-coverage self-location estimation scheme based on Voronoi diagram”, IET Communications, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 167–177.
J.-S. Li, Y.-T. Lin, and T.-H. Liu, 2009, “Construct a Power-Efficient and Space-Reuse-Effective Dominating Set Using Small-World Model in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 22, No. 11, pp. 1445–1464.
J.-S. Li, H.-C. Kao, and J.-D. Ke, 2009, “Voronoi-Based Relay Placement Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IET Communications, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 530–538.
C.-G. Liu and J.-S. Li, 2008, “A Fast–convergent Fairness Scheme for Resource Allocation in RPR Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 773–789.
Y.-S. Su, S.-L. Su, and J.-S. Li, 2008, “Topology-Independent Link Activation Scheduling Schemes for Mobile CDMA Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 599–616.
J.-S. Li, H.-C. Kao, S.-Y. Cheng, and C.-Y. Huang, 2007, “Multi-Piconet Extension Using a Bridge Selection Protocol with Distributed and Centralized Traffic Scheduling in Home Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 1378–1386.
J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, and C.-Y. Huang, 2007, “Achieving Multipoint-to-Multipoint Fairness with RCNWA”, Journal of Systems and Architecture, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 437–452.
J.-S. Li and C.-T. Lee, 2006, “Improve routing trust with Promiscuous Listening Routing Security Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 1121–1132.
C.-F. Li and J.-S. Li, 2006, “Fair Allocation Using a Fast Smart-Market Auction”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 172, No. 1, pp. 352–365.
J.-S. Li, C.-F. Li, and C.-P. Lo, 2006, “Effective Fair Allocation Using Smart Market Label Auction with CSLF and CR-CSFQ”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 665–673.
J.-S. Li and Y.-S. Su, 2006, “Random Early Detection with Flow Number Estimation and Queue Length Feedback Control”, Journal of Systems and Architecture, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 359–372.
J.-S. Li and C.-G. Liu, 2006, “Improve TCP Performance with a Novel Adaptive Queue Management Scheme in IEEE 802.17 RPR Optical Networks”, Computer Networks, Vol. 50, No. 15, pp. 2762–2786.
J.-S. Li and C.-W. Ma, 2005, “Improving Fairness of TCP Vegas”, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 3–10.
J.-S. Li and M.-W. Guo, 2005, “Improving 802.11 Wireless TCP Performance with Adaptive Reed-Solomon Codes: An Experimental Study”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1201–1211.
J.-S. Li, Y.-T. Lin, and C.-F. Yang, 2005, “Core-Stateless Fair Rate Estimation Fair Queuing”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 679–697.
Y.-S. Su, S.-L. Su and J.-S. Li, 2005, “Receiver-Initiated Multiple Access Protocols for Spread Spectrum Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Computer Communications, Vol.10, No. 28, pp. 1251–1265.
J.-S. Li and J.-Z. Liang, 2005, “A Novel Core-stateless ABR-like Congestion Avoidance Scheme in IP Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 427–447.
J.-S. Li, C.-T. Lee, and M.-W. Guo, 2004, “Analysis, Simulation and Implementation of Wireless TCP Flows with Forward Error Correction”, Computer Communications, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 222–229.
J.-S. Li and C.-S. Mao, 2004, “Providing Flow-based Proportional Differentiated Services in Class-based DiffServ Routers”, IEEE Proceedings on Communications, Vol. 151, No. 1, pp. 82–88.
J.-S. Li, H.-C. Lai, and Y.-T. Lin, 2003, “Achieving Proportional DiffServ Per-Hop Behaviour with PLQF”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 715–733.
J.-S. Li, 2002, “An Evaluation of Deficit Round Robin Fair Queuing Applied for Router Congestion control”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 333–339.
J.-S. Li, 2002, “Using Autoregressive Gaussian Processes With Trends and Aggregations to Model Self-Similar Traffic”, Computer Communications, Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 964–971.
J.-S. Li and M.-S. Leu, 2002, “Network Fair Bandwidth Share Using Hash Rate Estimation”, Networks, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 125–141.
J.-S. Li and C.-W. Ma, 2002, “EVA: A Better TCP Version for Resources-Insufficient Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 593–606.
J.-S. Li, 2000, “Measurement and In-Service Monitoring for QoS Violations and Space Capacity Estimations in ATM Networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 162–170.
(II) 國際研討會論文
P.-W. Chou, N.-Y. Chen, J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu*, 2024, “Detecting abnormal operations in ICS using finite-state machines”, ICAROB 2024, Feb. 22-25, Oita, Japan.
Y.-H. Chang, T.-E. Peng, J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu*, 2024, “Industrial Control System State Monitor Using Blockchain Technology”, ICAROB 2024, Feb. 22-25, Oita, Japan.
Y.-C. Wu, J.-S. Li, C.-F. Li, I-H. Liu*, 2024, “Enhancing Dam Security and Water Level Alerting with Blockchain Technology”, ICAROB 2024, Feb. 22-25, Oita, Japan.
T.-E. Peng, Y.-H. Chang, J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu*, 2024, “MiniDAM: A Dam Cybersecurity Toolkit”, ICAROB 2024, Feb. 22-25, Oita, Japan.
N.-Y. Chen, P.-W. Chou, J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu*, 2024, “Case Study of Network-Based Intrusion Detection System Deployment in Industrial Control Systems with Network Isolation”, ICAROB 2024, Feb. 22-25, Oita, Japan.
T.-E. Peng, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, C.-K. Liu, “Network Intrusion Detection Using CNN-based Classification Method”, IEEE/ACIS SNPD2023-Winter, Dec. 6-7, Taichung, Taiwan.
S.-G. Tân, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Simulation and Analysis of Common Attacks against PLCs Used in Dam Testbed”, ARIS 2023, Aug. 30 - Sep. 1, Taipei, Taiwan.
H.-C. Huang, I-H. Liu, M.-H. Lee, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Anomaly Detection on Network Traffic for Healthcare Internet of Thing”, IEEE ECBIOS 2023, Jun. 2-4, Tainan, Taiwan.
M.-H. Lee, I-H. Liu, H.-C. Huang, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Cybersecurity in 5G-Based Smart Healthcare Network: A Base Station Case Study”, IEEE ECBIOS 2023, Jun. 2-4, Tainan, Taiwan. (Best Conference Paper Award)
C.-Y. Lee, I-H. Liu, M.-W. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2023, “The Dam Gate Cybersecurity Testbed”, ICAROB 2023, Feb. 9-12, Oita, Japan.
C.-H. Wu, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, C.-F. Li, 2023, “Device's Operation Tracking using Blockchain in Industrial Control System”, ICAROB 2023, Feb. 9-12, Oita, Japan.
M.-W. Huang, I-H. Liu, H.-Y. Lai, M.-H. Lee, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Strengthen the Security of the Industrial Control System using SDN Technology”, ICAROB 2023, Feb. 9-12, Oita, Japan
M.-H. Lee, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Fake Base Station Threats in 5G Non-Public Networks”, ICAROB 2023, Feb. 9-12, Oita, Japan.
M.-W. Chang, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2023, “Cyber-Physical Security Testbed for River Basin Gate Control System”, ICAROB 2023, Feb. 9-12, Oita, Japan.
I-H. Liu, J.-S. Chen, K.-M. Su, J.-S. Li, 2022,“Dam Control System's Cybersecurity Testbed”, IIH-MSP 2022, Dec. 16-18, Kitakyushu, Japan.
M.-W. Chang, I-H. Liu, C.-K. Liu,W.-M. Lin, Z.-Y. Su, J.-S. Li, 2022, “A Non-normal Warning System for Dam Operation Using Machine Learning”, IEEE/ACIS SNPD2022-Winter, Dec. 7-9, Taichung, Taiwan.
S.-G. Tân, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2022, “Threat Analysis of Cyber Security Exercise for Reservoir Testbed Based on Attack Tree”, CANDAR 2022 WICS Workshop, Nov. 21–22, Himeji, Japan.
I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, Y.-C. Peng, C.-G. Liu, 2022, “A Countermeasure of polluting on Health-Related Dataset for data mining”, IEEE ECBIOS 2022, May 27–29, Tainan, Taiwan. (Best Conference Paper Award)
I-H. Liu, Y.-C. Peng, J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, 2022, “A New Poisoning Attacks on Deep Neural Networks”, ICHSM 2022, May 13–15, Kyoto, Japan.
I-H. Liu, J.-H. Lin, H.-Y. Lai, J.-S. Li, 2022, “Extendable ICS Honeypot Design with Modbus/TCP”, ICAROB 2022, Jan. 20–23, Oita, Japan.
I-H. Liu, L.-Y. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2022, “Industrial Control System Cybersecurity Testbed with TSN Feature”, ICAROB 2022, Jan. 20–23, Oita, Japan.
Y.-C. Tsai, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2022, “Blockchain-based Verification Mechanism for Industrial Control System”, ICAROB 2022, Jan. 20–23, Oita, Japan.
I-H. Liu, C.-E. Hsieh, W.-M. Lin, J.-S. Li, C.-F. Li, 2022, “Data Balanced Algorithm Based on Generative Adversarial Network”, ICAROB 2022, Jan. 20–23, Oita, Japan.
Y.-Y. Chen, I-H. Liu, C.-C. Wu, C.-G. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2021, “Dynamic Interval Strategy for MT6D in IoT Systems”, IEEE ICEIB 2021, Dec. 10–12, Yilan, Taiwan.
K.-C. Lu, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2021, “A Survey of the Offensive and defensive in Industrial Control System”, CANDAR 2021 NCSS Workshop, Nov. 23–26, Matsue, Japan.
I-H. Liu, C.-E. Hsieh, W.-M. Lin, C.-F. Li, J.-S. Li, 2021, “Malicious Flows Generator Based on Data Balanced Algorithm”, iFUZZY 2021, Oct. 5–8, Taitung, Taiwan.
C.-W. Huang, I-H. Liu, C.-C. Wu, C.-G. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2021, “A Legacy Infrastructure-based Mechanism for Moving Target Defense”, IEEE ECBIOS 2021, May 28–30, Tainan, Taiwan. (Best Conference Paper Award)
Y.-Y. Chen, I-H. Liu, C.-C. Wu, C.-G. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2021, “The Effect of Node Deployment for MT6D in Industry Control System”, IEEE SIBCON 2021, May 13–15, Kazan, Russia.
T.-L. Lee, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2021, “Threats Hidden in Employee Workstation through Office Files”, ICAROB 2021, Jan 21–24, Hiroshima, Japan.
C.-C. Lai, I-H. Liu, C.-C. Wu, J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, 2021, “A Communication System with Equipment's Characteristics”, ICAROB 2021, Jan 21–24, Hiroshima, Japan.
K.-M. Su, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2021, “The Security Challenges with The Widespread Use of IT Infrastructure in ICS”, ICAROB 2021, Jan 21–24, Hiroshima, Japan.
K.-M. Su, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2020, “The Risk of Industrial Control System: Programmable Logic Controller Default Configurations”, ICS 2020, Dec. 17–19, Tainan, Taiwan.
C.-G. Liu, C.-J. Wu, I-H. Liu, C.-C. Wu, J.-S. Li, 2020, “Security Protection with Dynamic Assigned Address Mechanism in Industrial Control Systems”, ICEA 2020, Dec. 12–15, Gangwon, Republic of Korea.
I-H. Liu, Y.-L. Chang, J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, 2020, “Differential Privacy Protection with Group Onion Routing based on AI-based URL Classification”, ICEA 2020, Dec. 12–15, Gangwon, Republic of Korea.
P.-Y. Chung, J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu, Q.-R. Song, C.-F. Li and G.-L. Huang, 2020, “Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure Protection Overview in Taiwan's Water Resource Domain”, ICRCE 2020, Jun. 19–21, Tokyo, Japan.
C.-H. Lo, T.-C. Liu, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, C.-F. Li, 2020, “MALWARE CLASSIFICATION USING DEEP LEARNING”, ICAROB 2020, Jan. 13–16, Otia, Japan.
C.-H. CHOU, C.-C. WU, I-H. Liu, T.‐H. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2019, “Modbus Packet Analysis and Attack Mode for SCADA System”, IMCS 2019, Aug. 3–4, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Y.-R. Chen, I-H. Liu, K.-H. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2020, “Selection Strategy for VM Migration Method”, ICAROB 2019, Jun. 27–30, Otia, Japan.
Y.-R. Chen, I-H. Liu, K.-H. Chang, C.-G. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2019, “VM Migration Placement in Cloud Service”, ICAROB 2019, Jun. 27–30, Otia, Japan.
I-H. Liu, C.-G. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2019, “Effect of Different Information Security Training Methods based on TCAT Cup CTF Game”, SETAS 2019, Feb. 16–17, Osaka, Japan.
Y.-R. Chen, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2018, “VM Migration Time Estimation in Cloud Services”, 2018 ISEAS, Aug. 8–9, Guam, USA.
K.-C. Lu, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Venerability and Protection Tool Surveys of Industrial Control System”, CANDAR 2018 WANC Workshop, Nov. 27–30, Takayama, Japan.
I-H. Liu, C.-G. Liub, C.-H. Chena, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Authentication Database Leakage Detection”, ICEEE 2018, Sep. 17–19, Lodz, Poland.
K.-C. Lu, I-H. Liu, M.-W. Sun, J.-S. Li, 2018, “A Survey on SCADA Security and Honeypot in Industrial Control System”, IRICT 2018, July 23–24, Hotel Bangi-Purajaya, Malaysia.
Y.-R. Chen, I-H. Liu, C.-W. Chou, J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, 2018, “Multiple Virtual Machines Live Migration Scheduling Method”, ICCCS 2018, Apr. 27–30, Nagoya, Japan.
I-H. Liu, Y.-H. Lin, J.-S. Li, C.-G. Liu, 2018, “A Secure Multi-Keyword Fuzzy Search with Polynomial Function for Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing”, ICCCS 2018, Apr. 27–30, Nagoya, Japan.
C.-C. Kuo; K. Chain; I-H. Liu, C.-S. Yang, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Design and Implement of Capture the Flag based on Cloud Offense and Defense Platform”, ICASI 2018, Ari. 13–17, Chiba, Japan.
C.-F. Li, J.-J. Su, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Factors Affecting Customers' Use of Internet Banking”, e-CASE & e-Tech 2018, Apr. 1–3, Osaka, Japan.
J.-J. An, I-H. Liu, Y.-H. Lee, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Routing Loop Detection in VM Network”, e-CASE & e-Tech 2018, Apr. 1–3, Osaka, Japan.
I-H. Liu, J.-H. Tai, C.-J. Tsai, C.-F. Li, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Secure Image Content Retrieval Management”, e-CASE & e-Tech 2018, Apr. 1–3, Osaka, Japan.
I-H. Liu, C.-G. Liu, C.-J. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Client Searching Privacy Protection in Encrypted Database”, ICAROB 2018, Feb. 1–4, Oita, Japan.
I-H. Liu, C.-H. Chen, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Novel Detection Scheme for Stolen Password File”, ICAROB 2018, Feb. 1–4, Oita, Japan.
K.-C. Lu, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2018, “Honeypot System of SCADA Security Survey”, ICAROB 2018, Feb. 1–4, Oita, Japan.
I-H. Liu, N.-W. Li, C.-F. Li, J.-S. Li, 2017, “RBAC Management with Blockchain”, EECS 2017, Dec. 19–21, Singapore.
I-H. Liu, T.-J. Fang, J.-S. Li, M.-W. Sun, C.-G. Liu, 2017, “A New Colluded Adversarial VNet embeddings Attack in Cloud”, PDCAT 2017, Dec. 18–20, Taipei, Taiwan.
C.-B. Jiang, I-H. Liu, Y.-C. Chen, C.-G. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2016, “Distributed Log System in Cloud Digital Forensics”, ICS 2016, Dec. 15–17, Chiayi, Taiwan.
S.-C. Tsai, I-H. Liu, C.-T. Lu, B.-L. Chen, J.-S. Li, 2016, “Factor Impact of Virtual Switch Performance by Factorial Design in Cloud Computing”, ICS 2016, Dec. 15–17, Chiayi, Taiwan.
S.-C. Tsai, I-H. Liu, C.-T. Lu, C.-H. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2016, “Defending Cloud Computing Environment Against the Challenge of DDoS Attacks Based on Software Defined Network”, IIHMSP 2016, Nov.20–23, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
I-H. Liu, C.-C. Chang, J.-S. Li, 2016, “Anomaly Detection on Cloud Application Based on Service Pattern Statistics”, ACENS 2017, Jan 19–21, Hokkaido, Japan.
I-H. Liu, C.-G. Liu, K.-H. Liu, S.-H. Yu, Z.-Y. Su, J.-S. Li, 2016“Distributed Node Scheduling Algorithms for Multiple Group Communications in Wireless Multi-hop Networks”, Qshine 2016, July 7–8, Seoul, South Korea.
C.-G. Liu, T.-J. Fang, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, Y.C. Liang, 2016, “A Useful Data Structure for Adversarial VNet embeddings Attack in Cloud”, ICICE 2016, Nov. 5–10, Shaanxi, China.
C.-G. Liu, Y.-M. Huo, I-H. Liu, Z.-Y. Su, H.-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2016, “A novel RFID Blocking scheme for staying tags in eoorprone wireless channel”, NCWIA 2016, July 15–16, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
C.-G. Liu, Y.-M. Huo, W.-L. Huang, I-H. Liu, J.-S. Li, 2016, “A new security design concept based on the Authentication protocol and anti-collision algorithm in RFID system”, ICEAI 2016, May. 10–12, Osaka, Japan.
C.-B. Jiang, J.-S. Li, 2016, “Exploring Global IP-usage Patterns in Fast-Flux Service Networks”, ICICA 2016, Jan. 18–19, Brisbane, Australia.
I-H. Liu, C.-K. Lin, and J.-S. Li, 2015, “An enhancing video streaming scheme over hybrid VANET”, AROB 2015, Jan. 21–23, Beppu, Japan.
I-H. Liu, T.-L. Wang, and J.-S. Li, 2014, “An Effective Group Communications in Hybrid VANET”, ICS 2014, Dec. 12–14, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Poster Award)
Chuan-Gang Liu, Chuan-Kang Kao, Huoc-Yong Koo, and Jung-Shian Li, 2013, “A Novel Group-based Location Service Management Scheme in VANETs”, ICICN 2013, Jan. 19–20, Singapore.
J.-S. Li, I-H. Liu, K.-H. Liu, and S.-H. Yu, 2012, “Schedule Multi-player Online Game Transmission Services in Wireless Multi-hop Networks”, MASS 2012, Aug. 10–12, Shanghai, China.
I. Kuo and J.-S. Li, 2011, “A mechanism for Taiwan's electronic voting”, National Computer Symposium 2011 (NCS 2011), Dec. 2–3, Chaiyi, Taiwan.
I-H. Liu, Y.-T. Kuo, and J.-S. Li, 2011, “Multi-hop Resource Scheduling in IEEE 802.16j Relay Networks”, International Conference on Computer Science and Logistics Engineering 2011 (ICCSLE 2011), Nov. 11–13, Zhengzhou, China.
C.-H. Lin, J.-Y. Ma, C.-S. Laih, and J.-S. Li, 2011, “MSS: Use File Format Conversion for Suppress Malicious Scripts in Multimedia”, TANET 2011, Oct. 24–26, Yilan, Taiwan. (優秀論文獎)
W.-C. Kuo, S.-C. Tsai, Y.-L. Chen, and J.-S. Li, 2011, “Single-Packet IP Traceback with Less Logging”, Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 2011 (IIH-MSP 2011), Oct. 14–16, Dalian, China.
C.-B. Jiang, J.-S. Li, 2011, “IP Flow Data Correlation with Interference Rules”, IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering 2011 (ICEIE 2011), Sep. 9–11, Tianjin, China.
J.-S. Li, K.-H. Liu, C.-Y. Wang, and C.-H. Wu, 2011, “Traffic-oriented STDMA scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Networks”, International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology (DEIT 2011), Mar. 15–17, Bali, Indonesia.
J.-S. Li and C.-F. Yang, 2010, “Quality-based Survivability in Dual-failure network”, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 2010 (ICTON 2010), Jun. 27–Jul. 1, Munich, Germany.
C.-J. Hsieh and J.-S. Li, 2010, “Implementation of the distributed hierarchical security operation center using mobile agent group”, IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communication Control and Automation 2010 (IEEE 3CA 2010), May 5–7, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li, C.-K. Kao, and S.-J. Lin, 2010, “A Kerberos-based Single Sign-On System for VoIP SIP Servers and Clients with a Terminal Mobility Capability”, IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communication Control and Automation 2010 (IEEE 3CA 2010), May 5–7, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li and C.-F. Yang, 2009, “Quantum Communication in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security 2009 (WSNS '09), Oct. 12, Macau, China.
J.-S. Li, J.-J. Tzeng, C.-M. Kuo, 2009, “Building Security Gateway”, International Conference on Information Networking 2009 (ICOIN 2009), Jan. 21–24, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
J.-S. Li, 2008, “Testbed@TWISC”, Taiwan-Germany Information Technology Workshop 2008, Nov. 24–25, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
C.-S. Laih, J.-S. Li, M.-J. Lin, S.-H. Chang, L.-D. Chen, S.-H. Tseng and M. Chang, 2008, “Development and Operation of Testbed@TWISC”, Joint Workshop on Information Security 2008 (JWIS 2008), Jul. 10–11, Seoul, Korea.
J.-S. Li and C.-F. Yang, 2007, “The design of a Quantum Benes Switch”, IEEE Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC 2007), Dec. 20–22, Tainan, Taiwan.
C.-J. Hsieh, W.-C. Liu and J.-S. Li, 2007, “An Efficient Packet-level JPEG Forensic Data Collection”, in Future Generation Communication and Networking 2007 (FGCN 2007), Dec. 6–8, Jeju-Island, Korea.
C.-J. Hsieh, J.-S. Li, and C.-F. Hung, 2007, “A Robust Audio Fingerprinting Scheme for MP3 Copyright”, IEEE Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 2007 (IEEE IIHMSP 2007), Nov. 26–28, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li, H.-C. Kao and S.-Y. Cheng, 2007, “Multi-hop Networking with Space Reuse in IEEE 802.15.3 UWB WPANs”, International conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communication 2007 (AusWireless 2007), Aug. 27–30, Sydney, Australia.
J.-S. Li, C.-K. Kao and I.-H. Chen, 2007, “Effects of Hotspots on Throughput in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, The IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007 (PDCN 2007), Feb. 13–15, Innsbrucke, Austria.
Y.-S. Su, S.-L. Su, and J.-S. Li, 2005, “Topology-Transparent Link Activation Scheduling Schemes for Multihop CDMA Packet Radio Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 2005 (LCN 2005), Nov. 15–17, Sydney, Australia.
J.-S. Li and C.-F. Xie, 2005, “Reduce Self-Coupling Effects in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications, and Mobile Computing (WirelessCom 2005), Jun. 13–16, Hawaii, USA.
C.-H. Chao and J.-S. Li, 2004, “A Novel Bib-Based Parallel Download Scheme”, IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems 2004, Dec. 6–9, Tainan, Taiwan.
C.-G. Liu and J.-S. Li, 2004, “Improving RPR Fairness Convergence”, in Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems 2004, Dec. 6–9, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li, 2004, “Development of CC in Taiwan”, International Common Criteria Conference 2004 (ICCC 2004), Sep. 28–30, Berlin, Germany. (Invited Talk)
J.-S. Li, 2004, “Taiwan Network Security Testbed”, ITC- Asia 2004, Nov. 20–22, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia. (Invited Talk)
Y.-S. Su, S.-L. Su, and J.-S. Li, 2004, “Topology-Transparent Link Activation Scheduling Schemes for Multihop CDMA Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2004 (Globecom 2004), Nov. 29–Dec. 3, Dallas, USA.
Y.-S. Su, S.-L. Su, and J.-S. Li, 2003, “Receiver-Initiated Multiple Access Protocols for Spread Spectrum Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference 2003 (VTC 2003 Spring), Apr. 22–25, Jeju, Korea.
J.-S. Li and M.-S. Leu, 2002, “Fair Bandwidth Share Using Flow Number Estimation”, IEEE International Conference on Communications 2002 (ICC 2002), Apr. 28–May 2, New York City, USA.
J.-S. Li, Y.-T. Lin, and C.-F. Yang, 2002, “Core-stateless Fair Rate Estimation Fair Queuing”, IEEE Military Communications Conference 2002 (Milcom 2002), Oct. 7–10, Anaheim, California, USA.
J.-S. Li and C.-P. Lo, 2002, “Core-Stateless Labeling Fairness: An Integrated Architecture to Approximate Fair Bandwidth Allocations in High Speed Networks”, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 2002 (LCN 2002), Nov. 6–8, Tampa, Florida, USA.
J.-S. Li and H.-C. Lai, 2001, “Providing Proportional Differentiated Services Using PLQ”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2001 (Globecom 2001), Nov. 25–29, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
J.-S. Li and Y.-T. Lin, 2001, “The Effects of LRD on Video Traffic Smoothing Schemes”, International Symposium on Communications 2001 (ISCOM 2001), Nov. 13–16, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li and C.-G. Liu, 2001, “Detecting Link Bandwidth With One-Packet Technique”, Workshop on the 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies, May 18, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li and H.-C. Lai, 2000, “Finding the Fitting Parameters for M-Pareto Process in LRD Traffic Modeling”, Workshop on Internet and Distributed Systems 2000 (WIND 2000), May 11–12, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li and Y.-T. Lin, 2000, “Modeling the VBR Traffic With Piecewise Gaussian Processes”, Workshop on Internet and Distributed Systems 2000 (WIND 2000), May 11–12, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li and C.-W. Ma, 2000, “A New Split-Connection Scheme for Wireless TCP”, Workshop on Internet and Distributed Systems 2000 (WIND 2000), May 11–12, Tainan, Taiwan.
C.-W. Ma and J.-S. Li, 2000, “IP Masquerade: One Solution to Insufficient IP Addresses”, TANET 2000, Oct. 19–21, Tainan, Taiwan.
J.-S. Li, 2000, “Modeling VBR Traffic with Autoregressive Gaussian Processes”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Networks 2000 (ICON 2000), Sep. 8, Singapore.
J.-S. Li, A. Wolisz, and R. Popescu-Zeletin, 1998, “QoS Guarantees for Long-Range Dependent Traffic”, IEEE International Performance Computing, and Communications Conference 1998 (IPCCC 98), Feb. 16–18, Tempe/Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
J.-S. Li, A. Wolisz, and R. Popescu-Zeletin, 1998, “Modeling and Simulation of Fractional ARIMA Processes Based on Importance Sampling”, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 1998 (SAC 98), Feb. 27–Mar. 1, Atlanta, USA.
J.-S. Li, A. Wolisz, and R. Popescu-Zeletin, 1998, “Fast Simulation of Self-Similar Traffic”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications 1998 (ICC 98), Jun. 11, Atlanta, USA.
J.-S. Li, A. Wolisz, and R. Popescu-Zeletin, 1998, “Proposed In-Service Monitoring Scheme for QoS Guarantees and Admission Control Based on Self-Similar Traffic”, IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks 1998 (SICON 98), Jun. 30–Jul. 3, Singapore.
(III) 國內研討會論文
張允豪, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2023, “基於區塊鏈的智慧系統資料驗證機制”, 第十三屆網路智能與應用研討會(NCWIA2023), Aug. 4-5, 台灣雲林. (最佳論文獎)
黃敏維, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2023, “運用內容感知軟體定義網路提升智慧控制系統傳輸安全”, 第十八屆國際健康資訊管理研討會(UHIMA2023), May. 27-28, 台灣花蓮. (論文獎佳作)
吳芊欣, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2023, “基於區塊鏈技術的物聯網運作記錄系統”, 第十八屆國際健康資訊管理研討會(UHIMA2023), May. 27-28, 台灣花蓮. (論文獎佳作)
賴薪宇, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2022, “運用軟體定義網路保障工業控制系統可用性”, ITAOI 2022, May 27–29, 澎湖, 台灣.
蔡曜竹, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2022, “水資源場域內之區塊鏈證據資料保護系統”, DLT 2022 數位生活科技研討會, May 13, 高雄, 台灣.
李鎮宇, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 李竹芬, 2022, “資安試驗平台比較分析”, UHIMA 2022 第十七屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Mar. 13, 嘉義, 台灣.
黃哲偉, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 吳其哲, 李忠憲, 2022, “以動態位址分派技術提高健康照護環境之資訊安全性”, UHIMA 2022 第十七屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Mar. 13, 嘉義, 台灣.
張力尹, 劉奕賢, 陳柏瑋, 李忠憲, 2022, "基於TSN網路的工業控制網路流量排程控制", NST 2022 臺灣電信年會, Jan. 24–27, 台北, 台灣.
吳謹瑞, 劉奕賢, 吳其哲, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 2021, “Agent-based Moving Target Defense for Industrial Conrol System”, NCS 2021 全國計算機會議, Dec. 10–12, 台中, 台灣.
謝承恩, 劉奕賢, 陸冠竹, 李忠憲, 2021, “基於機器學習之入侵偵測系統研析”, CISC 2021 第三十一屆全國資訊安全會議, Aug. 5–6, 台北, 台灣.
張力尹, 劉奕賢, 鍾沛原, 楊竹星, 李忠憲, 2021, “運用修正式德菲法建構水資源領域關鍵基礎設施資安防護指標”, ITAOI 2021, May 28–29, 金門, 中華民國.
陳階欣, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2021, “工業控制系統信號傳輸干擾與抗干擾分析”, DLT 2021 數位生活科技研討會, May 14, 屏東, 台灣.
謝承恩, 陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2020, “基於工控系統運用安全資訊和事件管理系統之研析”, TANET 2020, Oct. 28–30, 台北, 台灣.
陳階欣, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2020, “工控網路安全:水領域感測器干擾因素之研究”, TANET 2020, Oct. 28–30, 台北, 台灣.
賴佳俊, 劉奕賢, 吳其哲, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 2020, “運用回應特徵的蜜網偵測機制”, CISC 2020 第三十屆全國資訊安全會議, Sep. 1–4, 高雄, 台灣.
吳柏毅, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 李竹芬, 李忠憲, 2020, “探討 Deepfake 影片生成方法”, UHIMA 2020 第十五屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Jul. 4, 台南, 台灣. (優秀論文獎)
彭彥筑, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 李竹芬, 李忠憲, 2020, “機器學習上的攻擊之研析”, UHIMA 2020 第十五屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Jul. 4, 台南, 台灣.
王成允, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 李竹芬, 李忠憲, 2020, “軟體定義網路上的攻擊與防護之研析”, UHIMA 2020 第十五屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Jul. 4, 台南, 台灣.
李東霖, 劉奕賢, 吳其哲, 李竹芬, 李忠憲, 2020, “網路通訊品質對 VPN 連線可靠度之影響”, DLT 2020 數位生活科技研討會, May 16, 屏東, 台灣.
宋泉儒, 吳柏毅, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2019, “Android惡意軟體偵測與防護之研析”, TANET 2019, Sep. 25–27, 高雄, 台灣.
吳柏毅, 宋泉儒, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2019, “使用機器學習改善網路傳輸品質的探討”, TANET 2019, Sep. 25–27, 高雄, 台灣.
鍾沛原, 李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 黃貴麟, 2019, “因應資通安全管理法之資安管理研究 -以水資源領域關鍵基礎設施為例”, TANET 2019, Sep. 25–27, 高雄, 台灣.
宋泉儒, 王成允, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2019, “基於機器學習方法的入侵檢測系統研析”, TANET 2019, Sep. 25–27, 高雄, 台灣.
陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 劉宗晁, 李忠憲, 2019, “工業控制系統安全之探討-以西門子S7系列為例”, TANET 2019, Sep. 25–27, 高雄, 台灣.
王成允, 宋泉儒, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2019, “機器學習流量分析對洋蔥路由匿蹤危害之研析”, TANET 2019, Sep. 25–27, 高雄, 台灣.
安家駒, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2019, “分散式角色存取與行動群組匿名通訊機制之研究”, ITAOI 2019, May 24–26, 澎湖, 台灣.
陸冠竹, 廖家煒, 吳少鈞, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2019, “使用從序列到序列模型改善入侵偵測系統之惡意入侵偵測”, CISC 2019 第29屆全國資訊安全會議, May 23–24, 台中, 台灣.
羅政翔, 陸冠竹, 蔡一郎, 劉奕賢, 劉大哲, 李忠憲, 2019, “運用微控制器建置工業控制蜜網系統”, CISC 2019 第29屆全國資訊安全會議, May 23–24, 台中, 台灣.
劉大哲, 蔡一郎, 陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 羅政翔, 李忠憲, 2019, “探討深度學習應用於惡意程式分類中之研析”, 2019 ATSF&AS 第九屆航空科技與飛航安全暨第七屆航空與社會學術研討會會議, Jan. 6, 高雄, 台灣.
周政輝, 張添香, 劉奕賢, 蘇致遠, 李忠憲, 吳其哲, 2018, “基於機器學習中Web應用防火牆之入侵偵測與防範系統設計與研究”, 2018 IMP 第24屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會, Dec. 1, 台南, 台灣.
羅政翔, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2018, “深度學習技術應用於電競勝率預測”, The 2018 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 30–Dec. 2, 台中, 台灣.
蔡一郎, 張成睿, 安興彥, 李忠憲, 2018, “以BDTS進行常時間惡意網域IP變化行為偵測”, TANET 2018, Oct. 24–26, 桃園, 台灣.
陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 孫孟瑋, 李忠憲, 2018, “工業控制環境之誘捕系統建置及其反偵測機制之研究”, TANET 2018, Oct. 24–26, 桃園,台灣.
陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 李竹芬, 2018, “運用匿名傳輸技術保護醫療資訊安全”, UHIMA 2018 第十三屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Jun. 8–9, 花蓮, 台灣.
劉奕賢, 陳佳秀, 陸冠竹, 李忠憲, 李竹芬, 劉忠峰, 2018, “帳戶驗證機制的安全性研析”, UHIMA 2018 第十三屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Jun. 8–9, 花蓮, 台灣.
顏子皓, 蔡一郎, 陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 潘祈睿, 李忠憲, 2018, “使用機器學習技術之入侵防禦系統研究”, ITAOI 2018, May. 24–27, 澎湖, 台灣.
顏子皓, 蔡一郎, 陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 潘祈睿, 李忠憲, 2018, “探討機器學習與深度學習應用於惡意程式分析中之研析”, ITAOI 2018, May. 24–27, 澎湖, 台灣.
陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 孫孟瑋, 鍾沛原, 李忠憲, 2018, “探討蜜網在 SCADA 系統中安全之研析”, ITAOI 2018, May. 24–27, 澎湖, 台灣.
陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 孫孟瑋, 鍾沛原, 李忠憲, 2018, “使用機器學習技術之入侵防禦系統研究”, ITAOI 2018, May. 24–27, 澎湖, 台灣.
陸冠竹, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 2017, “SCADA資訊安全之研析”, TANET 2017, Oct. 25–27, 台中, 台灣. (最佳論文獎)
張永霖, 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 2017, “匿名傳輸技術之研析”, TANET 2017, Oct. 25–27, 台中, 台灣.
張成睿 劉奕賢, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 2016, “雲端資料加密環境下的多關鍵字搜尋技術探討”, TANET 2016, Oct. 19–21, 花蓮, 台灣.
安家駒 劉奕賢, 李儂偉, 李忠憲, 2016, “區塊鏈技術實現跨組織認證架構”, TANET 2016, Oct. 19–21, 花蓮, 台灣.
蔡金瑞, 劉奕賢, 陳信文, 邱志傑, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 楊竹星, 2016, “網頁圖像隱私偵測系統”, TANET 2016, Oct. 19–21, 花蓮, 台灣.
蔡一郎, 劉奕賢, 陳佳秀, 李忠憲, 2016, “雲端系統虛擬帳號誘捕機制”, TANET 2016, Oct. 19–21, 花蓮, 台灣.
劉奕賢, 盧建同, 張家駿, 林長德, 林禹妡, 李忠憲, 2015, “雲端應用服務中使用者行為規範稽核機制”, TANET 2015, Oct. 21–23, 南投, 台灣.
劉奕賢, 盧建同, 林長德, 張家駿, 林禹妡, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 2015, “混合雲環境的整合式日誌蒐集”, TANET 2015, Oct. 21–23, 南投, 台灣.
蔡舜智, 劉奕賢, 盧建同, 李鋆洧, 李忠憲, 2015, “跨層日誌收集、分析與追蹤”, NST 2015, Nov. 26–27, 桃園, 台灣.
劉奕賢, 盧建同, 林長德, 張家駿, 林禹妡, 劉川綱, 李忠憲, 2015, “混合雲日誌蒐集與分析系統”, NST 2015, Nov. 26–27, 桃園, 台灣.
周政緯, 劉恒華, 鍾曜年, 劉奕賢, 李忠憲, 2014, “以關聯式資料庫分析及預測惡意程式系統”, TANET 2014, Oct. 22–24, 高雄, 台灣.
劉奕賢, 張展華, 盧建同, 李忠憲, 2014, “雲端日誌驗證稽核系統”, TANET 2014, Oct. 22–24, 高雄, 台灣.
郭振忠, 歐雅惠, 劉奕賢, 王子夏, 郭鎮穎, 陳嘉玫, 李忠憲, 林輝堂, 楊竹星, 2014, “網路威脅搜捕、分析、追蹤與過濾技術之研究”, Cyberspace 2014, Dec. 5, 台北, 台灣.
郭振忠, 盧建同, 林敬皇, 李忠憲, 楊竹星, 2013, “基於測試平台之網路攻防演練活動設計與實作”, NCS 2013, Dec. 13–14, 台中, 台灣.
陳怡臻, 劉奕賢, 盧建同, 方泰鈞, 李忠憲, 2013, “雲端分散式日誌搜集方法”, NST 2013, Nov. 14–16, 台南, 台灣.
劉奕賢, 蔡舜智, 江啟賓, 張家瑋, 安家駒, 李忠憲, 2013, “結構化惡意程式資料庫系統”, TANET 2013, Oct. 23–25, 台中, 台灣.
謝哲人, 劉奕賢, 黃證翰, 方泰鈞, 李忠憲, 2012, “校園網路動態目錄服務與Google Apps學術雲端服務整合之研究”, TANET 2012, Oct. 23–25, 台中, 台灣.
林敬皇, 盧建同, 李忠憲, 楊竹星, 2012, “網路攻擊與防禦平台之研究與實作”, CISC 2012, May 30–31, 台中, 台灣.
盧建同, 高志忠, 鍾沛原, 賴溪松, 李忠憲, 2011, “應用網站應用程式弱點檢測平台於TANet連線單位網站安全之研究”, TANET 2011, Oct. 24–26, 宜蘭, 台灣.
江啟賓, 李忠憲, 2010, “以語意網為方法強化殭屍網路之偵測”, TANET 2010, Oct. 27–29, 台南, 台灣.
劉奕賢, 謝哲人, 郭奕岑, 李忠憲, 2010, “JPEG圖形檔案特徵嵌入及在網路層偵測之數位鑑識方法”, TANET 2010, Oct. 27–29, 台南, 台灣.
郭奕岑, 劉奕賢, 李竹芬, 李忠憲, “雲端服務平台與計價模式之比較”, TANET 2010, Oct. 27–29, 台南, 台灣.
楊宗達, 高傳凱, 李忠憲, “基於導航路徑之連結控制排程”, TANET 2010, Oct. 27–29, 台南, 台灣.
林秀靜, 李忠憲, 2008, “移動認證在SIP-based環境上的研究與實作”, 數位生活科技研討會 2008, Jun. 5–6, 台南, 台灣.
曾昭展, 李忠憲, 2008, “SIP-based VoIP 下 Building Security Gateway 的研究與實作”, 數位生活科技研討會 2008, Jun. 5–6, 台南, 台灣.
曾昭展, 李忠憲, 2008, “具備安全通話與監聽的Building Security Gateway實作”, TANET 2008, Oct. 20–22, 高雄, 台灣.
林秀靜, 李忠憲, 2007, “終端移動性與安全機制在SIP-Based環境下的研究與實作”, National Symposium on Telecommunications 2007 (NST 2007), Nov. 23–24, 台北, 台灣.
柯鈞達, 李忠憲, 2007, “一個基於Voronoi diagram的新型無線偵測網路中繼點機制”, TANET 2007, Oct. 22–25, 台北, 台灣.
林宣燁, 李忠憲, 2006, “以行動代理人為基礎之多Host-Based IDSs之入侵偵測平台”, TANET 2006, Nov. 1–3, 花蓮, 台灣.
洪丞甫, 謝哲人, 李忠憲, 劉奕賢, 2006, “分散式數位版權管理網路系統”, TANET 2006, Nov. 1–3, 花蓮, 台灣.
陳泰維, 李忠憲, 2006, “以賽局理論分析以MA-IDS為主的網路攻擊與防禦”, Information Management Practice 2006 (IMP 2006), Dec. 9, 雲林, 台灣.
李忠憲, 高宏政, 黃欽揚, 2006, “在極寬頻無線個人網路中多個微網路傳輸集中式排程設計”, National Symposium on Telecommunications 2006 (NST 2006), Dec. 1–2, 高雄, 台灣.
郭嘉明, 李忠憲, 2006, “行動會議系統上可適性安全機制的研究與實作”, National Symposium on Telecommunications 2006 (NST 2006), Dec. 1–2, 高雄, 台灣.
陳保霖, 高傳凱, 李忠憲, 2006, “無線網路媒體存取公平之研究”, National Symposium on Telecommunications 2006 (NST 2006), Dec. 1–2, 高雄, 台灣.
柯鈞達, 李忠憲, 2006, “一個基於Voronoi Diagram的新型無線偵測網路中繼點機制”, National Symposium on Telecommunications 2006 (NST 2006), Dec. 1–2, 高雄, 台灣.
劉昆玹, 陳明陽, 李忠憲, 鄭博仁, 2005, “RFID系統雙邊認證協定–兼具防偽及隱私保護之功能”, TANET 2005, Oct. 26–28, 台中, 台灣.
林奕廷, 劉川綱, 黃志欽, 李忠憲, 黃悅民, 賴溪松, 2001, “網路量測報告系統”, TANET 2001, Oct. 24–26, 嘉義, 台灣.
賴溪松, 黃悅民, 李忠憲, 劉相君, 黃志欽, 林華乙, 王敏僑, 黃仁竑, 楊竹星, 2000, “全域、主動、預警、服務導向的 Web Based 網路管理”, TANET 2000, Oct. 19–21, 台南, 台灣.